A bed in an upstairs bedroom

Where Should You Place Your Bed in Your Bedroom?

If there’s a question that deserves the answer “it depends” is this one. Where should you place your bed in your bedroom? This often depends on who you ask. But don’t worry, we are going to help you position your bed in the ideal spot, that’s cozy and restful. But always keep in mind that bed placement in your bedroom is not about dos and don’ts, it’s about getting the perfect positioning for personal comfort.

Some of the things that will influence how you place your bed include:

  • Bedroom size
  • Fixtures in the room
  • The size of your bed
  • Personal preferences

Place the Bed at the Center

This is the most recommended bed position and an easy one to implement. Identify the longest wall in the room then place the bed at the center of it. In relation to the other pieces of furniture in your bedroom, your bed needs to be the center piece, taking all the spotlight. By placing the bed at the center of the longest wall provides space for other bedside furniture structures. This provides flexibility and balance for other stuff such as decoration.

While this bed placement method is applicable for most people, there are reasons it might be a bad idea. If the piping of your home passes through the wall at the center, then the noise might interrupt your sleep. Also, if the bed position faces the door directly, then that would distort the aesthetics of your space. In Feng Shui, it’s called “a dead man’s position”

Put Your Bed at the Corner (Two Different Ways)

There are several reasons, you may want your bed to be placed in a corner. First, your room may be small and one corner is dedicated to installations like wardrobes, fireplaces, or radiators. Second, the center wall might be having pipe installations that might affect the quality of your sleep owing to the noise. Or you are avoiding placing your bed in line with the door, next to a washroom, or underneath a window. It can also be a matter of preference.

You can place your bed at the corner so that the headboard touches two walls at an angle. This is a great option in a big bedroom so that the wasted space at the back won’t be a concern. Alternatively, position the bed so that one of the sides touches a wall as the headboard touches the next wall.

A bed angled in a corner may require you to create shelves in the corner, add a curtain, or some sort of fabric. A bed with one side on the wall leaves only two sides to get out of it. For those sharing a bed, this might inconvenience the one that sleeps next to the wall, especially if there’s a legboard at the bottom.

Positioning the Bed Under the Window

Perhaps you’ve heard that you shouldn’t place your bed next to a window. The reasons behind this suggestion is that chilly nights might get to you and make your sleeping uncomfortable. Some say light from the outside can interfere with sleep in the morning. Others say it can block the view from the outside. In Feng Shui, you’ll be sleeping in the way of energy flows entering your room, which is not advisable.

But the jury is still out there and that’s why we suggest you do it anyway when the alternatives above are not an option. You can invest in high-quality blackout blinds to keep light outside your room during sleep hours. Install a smaller headboard that doesn’t cover the window when you need light inside the room. The window treatments you use should work in a way that lets in as much light as you need and completely block it during sleep.

With your bed at the window, install an attractive artwork on the opposite wall facing toward your bed. This is also a great position for the fireplace.

Place Your Bed at the Center of the Bedroom (the Island Placement)

The island placement is an ideal position if you have plenty of space to work with. If you have a small room, then probably this bed placement method isn’t the right one for you. With the bed in the middle of your bedroom, you can move around your bed effortlessly. No walls and so airflow is smooth all around the room.

The biggest challenge with an island bed position is instability especially if you share your bedroom with a spouse. If this is your situation, add a headboard to your bed or place the bed on a patterned rug.

Position the Bed Opposite the Door

As mentioned earlier, you don’t want to sleep while your head or legs are facing the door. We called it a dead man’s position earlier because that’s how a dead body passes the doorway. In Feng Shui, you’ll be sleeping in the way of energy flow which takes away your strength. But when you don’t have any other option positioning your bed opposite the door can happen.

Let your bed lie diagonally to the door. But even as it aligns with the door, try as much as you can not to face it directly. If you face the door directly you may feel insecure at night. Accessorize the bed with an attractive side table on the side where the door lies to increase positivity.

Additional Tips for Setting Up a Cozy Bedroom

  • If you have a panoramic view you can view through your window, then place your bed to see it whenever you are having a restful session in your bed
  • Keep away electronics from the bedroom. Place radios, TVs, computers, and even your phones in a different room
  • If possible place your workstation in a different room as well, not your bedroom
  • If you believe in a certain culture or superstition, then follow their guidelines to have peace of mind
  • Having visibility of the bedroom door is important to take note of an intruder quickly
  • Also keep your bed as far as possible from the door

The Best Position for Your Bed is the Most Comfortable for You

No two interior designers will agree on the right place to put your bed. That’s because each one of them is informed by beliefs and individual biases. So, the best position to place your bed is the most comfortable one for your needs. After all, a bed is a movable object, if you are unsatisfied in one way or another, you can easily tweak things around until you have your comfort and peace.